martes, 13 de agosto de 2019

Class 2 Microsotf Word replace words and spelling check

Replace words and spelling check.
reemplazar palabras y revision de ortografia

  1. Go to Home > Replace or press Ctrl+H.
  2. Enter the word or phrase you want to locate in the Find box.
  3. Enter your new text in the Replace box.
  4. Select Find Next until you come to the word you want to update.
  5. Choose Replace. To update all instances at once, choose Replace All.
To specify only upper or lowercase in your search, select More > Match case.
A screen shot showing the Find and Replace dialog box.
For other options, see Find and replace text

Run the spelling and grammar checker manually

To start a check of the spelling and grammar in your file just press F7 or follow these steps:
  1. Open most Office programs, click the Review tab on the ribbon. In Access or InfoPath you can skip this step. In Project you'll go to the Project tab.
  2. Click Spelling or Spelling & Grammar.
    Spelling and grammar button on the Review ribbon
  3. If the program finds spelling mistakes, a dialog box appears with the first misspelled word found by the spelling checker.
  4. After you decide how to resolve the misspelling (ignoring it, adding it to the program’s dictionary, or changing it), the program moves to the next misspelled word.

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